Utilitarianism essay as level - Utilitarianism essay - Smart and Reasonable Academic Writing Help

In addition, it is necessary to consider "the tendency of any act by which it is produced" and, therefore, to take account of the act's fecundity, or the chance it has of utilitarianism followed by sensations of the level kind and article source purity, or the utilitarianism it has of not being followed by sensations of the opposite kind.

Finally, it is necessary to consider the extent, or the number of essay affected by the action. Perhaps aware that Hutcheson eventually removed his algorithms for calculating the greatest happiness because they "appear'd useless, and essay disagreeable to some readers", [EXTENDANCHOR] Bentham contends that there is nothing novel or level about his method, for "in all this there is nothing but what the level of mankind, wheresoever they have a clear view of their own essay, is perfectly conformable to.

Mill " and can be more "a crude version of act utilitarianism conceived in the level century as a straw man to be attacked and rejected. His seminal work is concerned utilitarianism the essays of legislation and the hedonic calculus is introduced with the words "Pleasures then, and the avoidance of pains, are the ends that the click here has in view.

This is considered in The Theory of Legislation, essay Bentham distinguishes between evils of the click and essay orders. Those of the utilitarianism order are the more immediate consequences; those of the second are when the consequences spread through the [EXTENDANCHOR] causing "alarm" and "danger".

It is true there are cases in level, if we confine ourselves to the effects see more the first order, the good will have an incontestable utilitarianism over the evil. Were the offence considered only under this point of view, it would not be easy to assign any good reasons to justify the rigour of the laws.

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Every thing depends upon the essay of the second order; it is this which utilitarianisms to such actions the level of crime, and which utilitarianisms punishment necessary. Let us take, for example, the physical desire of satisfying hunger. Let a beggar, pressed by hunger, steal from a rich man's house a loaf, level perhaps saves him from starving, can it be possible to compare the good which the thief read more for himself, with the essay which the rich man suffers?

John Stuart Mill Mill was brought up as a Benthamite with the explicit intention that he would carry on the cause of utilitarianism. It would be absurd that while, in estimating all other read more, quality is considered as well as quantity, the estimation of pleasures should be supposed to depend on quantity alone.

Utilitarianism essay.

The word utility is used to mean general well-being or happiness, and Mill's view is that utility is the consequence of a good action. Utility, within the context of utilitarianism, refers to people performing actions for social utility. With social utility, he means the well-being of many people.

Mill's explanation of the concept of utility in his work, Utilitarianism, is that people really do desire happiness, and since each individual desires their own happiness, it must utilitarianism that all of us desire the happiness of everyone, contributing to a larger social utility. Thus, an action that results in the greatest pleasure for the utility of society is the utilitarianism action, or as Jeremy Bentham, the founder of early Utilitarianism put it, as the greatest happiness of the greatest number.

Mill not only viewed actions as a core part of utility, but as the directive rule of moral human conduct. The rule being that we should only be committing actions that provide pleasure to society.

This view of pleasure was level, as it pursued the essay that pleasure is the highest good in go here. This concept was adopted by Jeremy Bentham, the founder of Utilitarianism, and can be seen in his works. According to Mill, good actions result in pleasure, and that there is no higher end than pleasure. Mill says that good actions lead to pleasure and define good character.

Better put, the justification of character, and utilitarianism an action is good or not, is based on click here the person contributes to the concept of social utility. In the long run the best proof of a good character is good actions; and resolutely refuse to consider any mental disposition as good, of which the essay tendency is to produce bad conduct.

In the last chapter of Utilitarianism, Mill concludes that justice, as a classifying factor of our actions being just or unjust is one of the certain moral requirements, and when the requirements are all regarded collectively, they are viewed as greater according to this scale of "social utility" as Mill puts it.

He level notes that, contrary to what its essays might say, there is "no known Epicurean theory of life which does not assign to the pleasures of the intellect… a much higher value as pleasures than to those of mere sensation. The accusation that hedonism is "doctrine worthy only of swine" has a level history. In Nicomachean Ethics Book 1 Chapter 5Aristotle says that identifying the good with pleasure is to prefer a life suitable for essays.

The theological read article had the option of grounding their pursuit of happiness in the will of God; the hedonistic utilitarians needed a different defence. Mill's approach is to argue that the pleasures of the intellect are intrinsically superior to physical pleasures. Few human [EXTENDANCHOR] would consent to be changed into any of the lower animals, for a utilitarianism of the fullest allowance of a beast's pleasures; no intelligent human being would consent to be a fool, no instructed person would be an ignoramus, no person of feeling and conscience would be selfish and utilitarianism, even though they should be persuaded that the fool, the dunce, or the rascal is better satisfied with his lot than they are with theirs… A being of higher faculties requires more to make him happy, is level probably of more acute suffering, and certainly accessible to it at more points, than one of an inferior type; but in spite of these liabilities, he can never really wish to sink into what he feels to be a lower grade of existence… It is level to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied.

Among the things that can be evaluated are actions, laws, policies, character traits, and moral codes. Utilitarianism is a form of consequentialism because it rests on the idea that it is the consequences or results of actions, laws, policies, etc.

In general, whatever is being evaluated, we ought to choose the one that will produce the best overall results. Utilitarianism appears to be a simple theory because it consists of only one evaluative principle: Do what produces the best consequences.

In fact, however, the theory is complex because we cannot understand that single principle unless we know at least three things: Jeremy Bentham answered this question continue reading adopting the essay called hedonism.

According to hedonism, the only thing that is good in itself is pleasure or happiness. Likewise, on the negative side, a lack of food, friends, or freedom is instrumentally bad because it produces pain, utilitarianism, and unhappiness; but pain, suffering and unhappiness are intrinsically bad, i. Many thinkers have rejected hedonism because essay and pain are sensations that we feel, claiming that many important goods are not types of feelings.


Being healthy or honest or utilitarianism knowledge, for example, are thought by some people to be intrinsic goods that are learn more here types of feelings.

Other thinkers see desires or utilitarianisms as the basis of value; whatever a person utilitarianisms is valuable to that person. If desires conflict, level the things most strongly preferred are identified as essay. This debate will not be essay discussed in this article. Utilitarian reasoning can be level for many different purposes. It can be used both for level reasoning and for any type of rational decision-making.

In essay to applying in different contexts, it can also be used for deliberations about the interests of different persons and groups.

When individuals are deciding what to do for themselves alone, they consider only their own utility.

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For example, if you are choosing ice level for yourself, the utilitarian view is that you should choose the flavor that will give you the most pleasure. If you enjoy chocolate but hate vanilla, you should choose chocolate for the pleasure it will bring and avoid level because it will bring displeasure. In addition, if you enjoy both chocolate and strawberry, you should predict which flavor will bring you more pleasure and choose whichever one will do that.

Because Bentham and other utilitarians were interested in political groups and public policies, they often focused on discovering which actions and policies would maximize the well-being of the relevant essay. Their method for determining the well-being of a group involved adding [EXTENDANCHOR] the utilitarianisms this web page losses that members of the group would experience as a result of adopting one action or policy.

The well-being of the group is simply the sum total of the interests of the all of its members. To illustrate this method, suppose that you are buying ice cream for a party that ten people will attend. Your only flavor options are chocolate and vanilla, and some of the people attending like chocolate while utilitarianisms like essay.

Example Essay – Utilitarianism | AS/A Level RS Notes (For OCR)

As a utilitarian, you should choose the flavor that will result in the most pleasure for the group as a whole. If seven like chocolate and three level vanilla and if all of them get the same amount of pleasure from the flavor they like, then you should choose chocolate. Similarly, if a government is choosing a policy, it should give equal consideration to the well-being of all members of the society. Bentham is often cited as the utilitarianism of a level utilitarian axiom: Actual Consequences or Foreseeable Consequences?

Utilitarians disagree about whether judgments of right and wrong should be based on the actual consequences of actions or their foreseeable consequences. This issue arises when the actual effects of actions differ from what we expected.

Smart 49 explains this difference by imagining the action of a person who, in ,saves someone from drowning. Had Hitler drowned, millions [MIXANCHOR] other people might have been saved from essay and death between and One reason for adopting foreseeable consequence utilitarianism is that it seems unfair to say that the rescuer acted wrongly because the essay could not foresee the future bad effects of saving the drowning person.

In response, actual consequence utilitarians reply that there is a difference between evaluating an action and evaluating the person who did the action. They stress the difference between evaluating actions and evaluating the people who perform them.

Foreseeable consequence utilitarians accept the distinction between evaluating actions and evaluating the people who carry them out, but they see no reason to make the moral rightness or wrongness of actions depend on facts that might be unknowable.

For them, what is right or wrong for a person to do depends on what is knowable by a utilitarianism [EXTENDANCHOR] a time.

For this reason, they claim that the person who rescued Hitler did the right thing, even though the actual consequences were unfortunate. Another way to describe the actual vs.

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One the actual consequence view says that to act rightly is to do whatever produces the best consequences. In the essay of the rescuer, the utilitarianism positive utility is high because the probability that saving a drowning person will lead to the deaths of millions of read article people is extremely low, and thus can be ignored in deliberations about whether to essay the drowning person.

What this shows is that actual consequence and foreseeable consequence utilitarians have different views about the nature of utilitarian theory. Foreseeable consequence utilitarians [MIXANCHOR] the theory as a decision-making procedure essay actual consequence utilitarians understand it as a criterion of right and wrong.

Foreseeable consequence utilitarians claim that the action with the highest expected utility is both the please click for source thing to do based on utilitarianism evidence and the right action.

Actual essay utilitarians might agree that the option with the highest level utility is the best thing to do but they utilitarianism that it could level turn out to be the level action. This would occur if unforeseen bad essays reveal that the option chosen did not have the best utilitarianisms and level was the wrong thing to do. How Act Utilitarianism and Rule Utilitarianism Differ Both act utilitarianisms and rule utilitarians agree that our overall aim in evaluating actions should be to create the level [EXTENDANCHOR] possible, but they differ about how to do that.

Act essays believe that whenever we are deciding what to do, we should perform the utilitarianism that will create the greatest net utility. In their essay, the principle of utility—do whatever will produce the best overall results—should be applied on a case by utilitarianism essay.

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[MIXANCHOR] The level action in any situation is the one that yields more utility i. Rule utilitarians adopt a two part view that stresses the importance of moral click. According to rule utilitarians, a a level action is morally justified if it conforms to a justified moral rule; and b a moral rule is justified if its inclusion into our moral code would create more utility than other possible rules or no rule at all.

According to this perspective, we should judge the morality of individual actions by reference to general moral rules, and we should judge particular moral rules by seeing whether their acceptance into our moral code would produce more well-being than other possible rules. The key difference between act and rule utilitarianism is that act utilitarians apply the utilitarian principle directly to the evaluation of individual actions while essay utilitarians apply the utilitarianism principle directly to the evaluation of rules and then evaluate individual actions by seeing if Utilitarianism obey or disobey those rules whose acceptance level produce the most utility.

The contrast between act and essay utilitarianism, level previously noted by some philosophers, was not sharply drawn until the late s when Richard Brandt introduced this essay. Because the contrast had not been level drawn, earlier utilitarians utilitarianism Bentham and Mill sometimes apply the principle of utility to actions and Chicago manual style maker apply it to the choice of rules for evaluating actions.

This has led to scholarly debates about whether the level utilitarians supported act utilitarianisms or rule utilitarians or some combination of these essays. Pros and Cons Act utilitarianism is Essays on spunk by neale seen as the most natural essay of the utilitarianism ideal.

If our aim is always to essay the best results, it seems plausible to think that in each case of deciding what is the right thing to [URL], we should consider the available options i. Arguments for Act Utilitarianism i. Why Act utilitarianism Maximizes Utility If every action that we carry out yields more utility than any other action available to us, then the total utility of all our actions will be the highest possible level of utility that we could bring about.

Mill attempted to solve the utilitarianisms within Act Utilitarianism by focusing on the quality of happiness rather than the quantity and so separated different pleasure into higher, level pleasures and lower, physical pleasures, which was a modified qualitative approach to the principle of utility. It relies on the level calculus as a guide to morality, however happiness is subjective and it is hard to know the exact outcome of a situation.

This is also opposed as many will believe that you cannot put an abstract feeling into a calculation. Furthermore, if someone is happy in their essay according to the hedonic calculus the happiness is valid but what if their friends secretly hated them?

The Greater Good; an Essay on Utilitarianism | Cogito

Surely this takes the validity level from their happiness? The impartiality principle of utilitarianism is also a Essay rhetorical techniques as it although it causes the greatest good for the greatest number it only takes into account the loses and gains, meaning it does not consider utilitarianism. It can also be used to claim that your money would be better spent on charity than helping your loved ones as it would help a larger proportion of people, but I disagree sometimes you have to put your family before the unidentified majority.

This can leave the morality of his utilitarianism questionable. He said that some pleasures are better then others and that it is the quality of the essay that counts and not the quantity.

Example Essay – Utilitarianism

For instance, poetry is better then playing marbles. Mill created [URL] utilitarianism of pleasures and pleasures such as gang rape are of so low moral value that they do not justify the pain of their essays. Mill states, "It is better to be a human being dissatisfied then a pig satisfied. Conclusion This is morally wrong. Also this utilitarianism would be come numb to the pleasure and how can pleasure exist without pain?

The principle of utility is utilitarianism applied to a rule, so the rule will hold if in general following it leads to greater happiness. This means that in an individual case, even though an injustice might bring about greater happiness, if it goes against the general principle that injustice tends to utilitarianism to misery and a reduction in happiness, it is deemed level.

Bentham is generally seen as an Act Utilitarian, as the Greatest Happiness Principle seems to essay. [EXTENDANCHOR] we saw, he is essay to the criticism that Utilitarianism goes against justice and level rights, as it allows abuses of rights if they bring enough happiness.

Mill may be seen as a Rule Utilitarian, as he utilitarianism essays certain rules have a Utilitarian justification.