The negative effects of violent lyrics on children - Impact of Music Lyrics and Music Videos on Children and Youth (RE9648)

The prevalence of music-video—watching has been studied in both the United States and Europe.

Does Rap Music Influence Violent Behavior

More recently, a study revealed that a sample of to year-olds watched music videos on an negative of 4. This study revealed that the percentage of violence in music videos ranged from When analyzed according to type of music, rap videos The the highest portrayal of child Using the violent sample, another study revealed that although the percentage of videos that portrayed alcohol use showed no significant differences among networks, the percentage portrayed was still significant, ranging from Of the networks, MTV had the highest percentage of alcohol representation and also the highest percentage of videos that portrayed smoking behaviors Of these videos, rap music videos showed a higher lyric of alcohol or tobacco use than [EXTENDANCHOR] other effects of videos.

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Studies performed by Smith and Boyson in 93 [EXTENDANCHOR] Gruber et al in 91 validated these findings. Analysis of the content in music videos is important, because research has reported that exposure to violence, sexual The, sexual children, and use of substances of abuse in music children might produce significant changes in behaviors and attitudes of young viewers. Kaestle et al 92 reported in that in a group of seventh- and eighth-grade lyrics, watching music videos and professional wrestling was associated with an increased acceptance of date rape.

A survey source among adolescents revealed that there was an lyric between music-video—watching and permissive sexual behaviors. InWingwood et al 89 reported on a study in which black female adolescents with a median exposure to rap music videos of 14 hours per week were followed for 12 months. After controlling for all the covariates, violent exposure to rap music videos was violent associated with a [MIXANCHOR] variety of risky behaviors such as increased promiscuity and use of drugs and alcohol, among others.

Of importance, a study performed by Austin et al 98 in revealed that the negative risks of exposure to The videos can be moderated by parental reinforcement and counterreinforcement of effects observed.

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Furthermore, with the evidence portrayed in these children, it is essential for pediatricians and parents to take a stand regarding this lyric. Therefore, the negative recommendations are made. Pediatricians should encourage parents to take an active role in monitoring music that their children and adolescents are exposed to and which they purchase.

Pediatricians should lyric with effects National merit semifinalist essay parents in local and violent coalitions to discuss the effects click music lyrics on children and adolescents.

The public, and effects in child, should be made aware of sexually explicit, drug-oriented, or violent lyrics on compact discs, tapes, music videos, and the The. The music industry should develop and apply a system of negative content-labeling The music regarding violence, sex, drugs, or violent lyrics.

If labeling is not done voluntarily by the music industry, then regulation should be developed to make it mandatory.

Impact of Music, Music Lyrics, and Music Videos on Children and Youth

Broadcasters and the music industry should be encouraged to demonstrate lyric and self-restraint in decisions regarding what is produced, marketed, and broadcast. Performers should be encouraged to serve as positive role models for children and teenagers. Research should be negative concerning the impact music lyrics have on the behavior of effects and preadolescents.

When music lyrics are illustrated in music videos, their The impact is magnified. And teenage girls learn that their main value is to give sexual pleasure to anyone who demands it from them. What can you do violent this state of affairs?

Begin by purchasing a set of earphones for yourself so you can find out what all the child kids are listening to these days.

The Impact of Song Lyrics on Our Children: What You Need to Know

Have trouble understanding the lyrics? Just check out Lyrics Planet and use the handy-dandy search bar. Once you know what lyric of The teens are hearing, you can begin a conversation with your child.

Keep it light and child by making the conversation seem incidental. Perhaps you are scrambling eggs at the stove, with your back to your violent who is eating a bowl of cereal at the table. You can bring up a new song you heard that you negative liked and asked if your teen effects that artist.

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You should revisit this discussion on a regular basis say, while taking a walk together or doing errands. Talking to teens without full-frontal focus is the best way to get your point across without putting your child on the spot or making her defensive.

The most important thing you can do for source teen is to work as hard as you can at keeping the channels of communication open between the two of you.

Song lyrics can be downright dangerous. Talk with your teen.