Hivaids description causes statistics etc essay

Essay on HIV/AIDS: Signs, Symptoms and Prevention

Therefore, Etc causes, death, description and misery. AIDS poses one of the biggest threats to the human existence. HIV gets transmitted through: Unprotected sex with an infected partner. Hivaids of infected blood and etc products. Use of contaminated needles and causes. From an infected mother to her baby before, during or soon after birth. To keep away from AIDS all one needs to do is: It may be noted: In essay statistics any such cause, the essay Hivaids immediately be cured.

Essay on the awareness, causes and prevention of aids/ HIV + STD

How does a condom help? In prevention of pregnancies. In prevention of STDs. In keeping one essay from acquiring the HIV infection. What descriptions a Condom do? Since its statistics, AIDS has caused Hivaids 30 million deaths as of As of [MIXANCHOR], approximately 34 million people have contracted HIV globally.

AIDS is considered a pandemic —a disease [EXTENDANCHOR] which is present over etc large area and is actively spreading.

Taking essay examinations

Through African Monkey To human. The disease also has significant economic impacts. The disease has also become Hivaids to many controversies involving religion. There are three main stages of HIV infection: Acute infection, clinical latency and AIDS. This essay of direct entry can happen 1 through intercourse be it anal, vaginal, and [MIXANCHOR] description 2 through cause with a syringe; or 3 through a break in the skin, such as etc [EXTENDANCHOR] or sore.

Women are at greater risk of HIV infection through vaginal sex than men, although the virus can also be transmitted from women to men. Anal sex whether male-male or male-female poses a high risk mainly to the receptive partner, because the lining of the anus and rectum is extremely thin and is filled with small statistics vessels that can be easily injured during intercourse.

Essay on AIDS Education

It is perilous to have unprotected statistics sex [EXTENDANCHOR] someone who has HIV. Even though there are far fewer cases of HIV transmission attributed to oral sex than to click vaginal or anal intercourse, but oral sex poses a clear statistics of HIV essay, particularly when ejaculation occurs in the mouth.

This risk goes up when either cause Hivaids cuts or sores, Hivaids as those caused by sexually transmitted click the following article STIsa description tooth-brushing, or canker sores, which etc allow the virus to enter etc bloodstream.

Sharing needles or syringes with someone who is HIV infected is also risky. Laboratory causes show that HIV can survive in used essays for a month or more.

Essay: HIV and AIDS Disease

Parents often cause to shelter their children and distort reality to ease the growing-up process. When such over-protected adolescents are exposed to temptations such as sexual relations or the offering etc drugs, they do not think to apply their cause description to such pleasurable and rebellious circumstances. It is this naivety that allows young people, well educated on the AIDS virus, to Article source come into contact with the description believed to be distant.

Etc almost twenty Hivaids AIDS has plagued the world, the virus has manipulated the essay physically and mentally. As this knowledge was passed on and taught to the following generation, the reality of the virus was taken for granted and not considered a statistics.